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Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico

Información sobre las funciones del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico y de sus organismos públicos, vinculados o dependientes.
Actualizado a 24/05/2024


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  1. The development of energy and mining policy, in line with the objective of ensuring security of supply, decarbonisation of the economy, public safety, economic sustainability and financial systems of electric and gas industry, the independence of supply and strategic autonomy, air quality, the fight against climate change and environmental compatibility, optimum management and development of national resources, demand management, the management of future technological elections, the use of energy, the protection of vulnerable energy consumers and the reduction of energy poverty, as well as any other relevance to the powers of the General state administration in the field of energy.
  2. The development of the planning and energy strategy, within the framework of the commitment to climate neutrality in the long term.
  3. The proposal of policy initiatives in the scope of competences of the secretariat of state, in coordination with the Technical Secretariat-General of the department.
  4. The elaboration of proposals on regulation and, where appropriate, adoption of tariffs, prices of energy products, canons of access to underground storage of natural gas, electric systems and gas industry, as well as the remuneration of the activities carried out in the energy sector, within its competence, as required by law.
  5. The regulation, monitoring and analysis of energy auctions and capacity.
  6. The promotion of fuel substitution and other energy vectors of reduced emissions.
  7. The design and implementation of measures to increase savings and efficiency in production, processing, distribution and consumption of final energy.
  8. The momentum of electromobility and electrification of final demand.
  9. The momentum of a just transition in those areas which still maintain a high level of economic dependence on non-renewable fuels, such as those associated with the coal mining industry, and participation in the working groups and other activities relating to a just transition, through the institute for the Just Transition, O.
  10. The development, coordination and monitoring of strategies for reducing energy poverty, development of measures for the protection of consumers of energy, especially those in vulnerable circumstances and access to information.
  11. Knowledge of the taking of shares in the electricity sector and hydrocarbons.
  12. The development and, where appropriate, implementation of measures to ensure energy supply, and the promotion of the flexibility of the system through demand-side management and storage, in a context of progressive decarbonisation.
  13. The analysis and monitoring economic and financial functioning of the energy markets and liquids, as well as facilitating the participation in the same energy resources both centralized and distributed.
  14. The monitoring of the market of liquids.
  15. The liquidation of the costs and income of energy sectors.
  16. The exercise of the powers of control, inspection and punishment in the energy sector and the inspection of compliance with the technical conditions of facilities and ensure compliance with the requirements of authorizations, the economic conditions and proceedings of the subject, where the competence of the General state administration.
  17. The management of the system of certification of production, consumption and sale of gas, biofuels and renewable sources.
  18. The realization of projections of demand for energy products, time series analysis of consumption and energy prices for energy products and sectors, the monitoring of the economic indicators and energy sector and conducting studies and energy statistics, in coordination with the office.
  19. The implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification of the international commitments entered into by the kingdom of Spain in the scope of competences of the secretariat of state, the international energy relations, in coordination with the office, as well as the preparation of the councils of ministers of the european union within the competence of the secretariat of State.
  20. Coordination with the rest of ministerial departments and the integration of issues related to energy transition in the rest of sectoral policies.
  21. The dialogue with the sectors and civil society, among other purposes, promoting cooperation, exchange of best practices and the development of business models and innovative solutions in the field of energy, as well as the implementation of actions and programmes aimed at fostering economic opportunities, social and environmental energy transition in the various sectors.
  22. Those of other functions assigned to it by existing legislation to the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge in energy and mining.
  1. The coordination of studies, reports and analysis on policy and migration statistics, without prejudice to the functions of the spanish observatory for racism and xenophobia.
  2. The monitoring and analysis of the evolution of the cost and quality of programmes and benefits, as well as the economic planning, managed by the state secretariat for Migration.
  3. The proposed policy reforms and management procedures to allow improved follow-up and monitoring of services and benefits system managed by the state secretariat for Migration.
  1. The development, and the proposal and impetus within the competence of the General state administration, in collaboration with other ministerial departments and territorial administrations, the overall objectives, strategies, plans and priorities for action in the field of demographic challenge.

  2. The coordination of other ministerial departments and territorial administrations in the field of demographic challenge, as well as the momentum of collaboration público-privada and citizen participation in achieving the objectives referred to the demographic challenge.

  3. The functions that law 45/2007 of 13 december, for the sustainable development in rural areas attributed to the General state administration.

  4. The promotion, without prejudice to the competence of other ministerial departments, equal opportunities and non-discrimination by reason of residence and age, as well as the momentum and safeguard, in collaboration with other ministerial departments and territorial administrations, the appropriate provision of basic services for all people, in conditions of equity, with particular attention to the child, youth and older people.

  5. The momentum, without prejudice to the competence of other ministerial departments, the role of women in rural areas, as well as the inclusion of labour of immigrants in the areas at risk of demographics.

  6. Coordination of policies designed to promote the reconciliation of family and professional life, shared responsibility, the upbringing of children and the development of projects, especially in the areas most affected by demographic risks, without prejudice to the competence of other ministerial departments.

  7. Coordination of public policies, in the area of the General state administration, aimed at advancing awareness, knowledge and training, from childhood and youth, and throughout life, which endanger the value, especially in rural areas, and foster knowledge and use of existing opportunities in areas affected by depopulation.

  8. The promotion, without prejudice to the competence of other ministerial departments, on investment, employment opportunities, diversification and economic development, with the objective of strengthening the socio-economic fabric in the areas affected by depopulation.

  9. The momentum and, in collaboration with other ministerial departments and territorial administrations, for the proper dimensioning the infrastructure, equipment and services necessary against the demographic challenge.

  10. The momentum and, in collaboration with other ministerial departments and territorial administrations, of policies aimed at addressing the progressive ageing of the population and other socio-demographic imbalances.

  11. The coordination of participation in representation of the ministry in international bodies and follow-up to the international conventions on demographic challenge, without prejudice to the competence of the ministry of foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation.

  12. Participation in representation of the General administration of the state in international bodies, councils and in working groups of the european union, and demographic challenge, as well as the coordination and follow-up of its demographic change.

  13. The coordination of studies and reports in the area of depopulation, ageing, demographic change, demographic and socio-economic impact of public policies, equal opportunities, supporting women in rural areas, strengthening of the socio-economic fabric and entrepreneurship in the areas affected by depopulation, better public services, green technologies, innovation or digitalisation.

  14. The monitoring, analysis and assessment, from the perspective of the demographic challenge, of the rules, plans, programmes and public policies of the General state administration.

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Organizational structure (organization)
