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Legislation under preparation

Regulatory texts being processed prior to their referral to the Cortes Generales or their publication in the Official State Gazette, which are not in the process of prior public consultation or in the process of public hearing and information (sections b, c and d of Article 7 of Law 19/2013, of December 9).

Information classified by type of regulations

  • Preliminary drafts of laws. These are texts drafted by one or more ministries that are submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval as a draft law.
  • Bills of law.   These are preliminary draft bills which, after approval by the Council of Ministers, are sent to the Congress of Deputies in the exercise of the Government's legislative initiative.
  • Draft Royal Legislative Decrees. These are regulations with the rank of law issued by the Government by virtue of a delegation from the Cortes Generales.
  • Draft royal decrees. These are general provisions of lower rank than laws, issued by the Government.

Information updated as of February 24, 2023.

Fuente data Secretariat of the Government - Ministry of justice and the Presidency relations with the courts
Periodicity of publication Mensual
Formato Html format
Fuente data Secretariat of the Government - Ministry of justice and the Presidency relations with the courts
Periodicity of publication Mensual
Formato Html format

Contains draft bills and draft Real Legislative Decrees at the time to seek views advisory bodies. If it is not necessary to request any report or views, the texts will be issued when they are referred to the Cortes Generales for parliamentary procedure, in the case of bills, or when they are approved and issued, in the case of the royal Legislative Decrees and Royal Decrees.

Information sorted by Ministries