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Public participation in regulatory projects

Logotipo de Participación Pública en Proyectos NormativosSpace for public participation in regulatory projects, both for prior public consultation and for the hearing and public information process in the process of drafting regulations of the General State Administration.

This participation is provided for in Article 133 of the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and in Article 26 of the Law 50/1997, of 27 November 1997, on Government, as well as in the Order PRE/1590/2016, of 3 October, publishing the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of 30 September 2016, issuing instructions to enable public participation in the process of drafting regulations through the web portals of ministerial departments.

 Prior public consultation of Law 19/2013 Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (until 24 February)


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There are two types of participation:

  • Prior public consultation. Its purpose is to gather the opinion of citizens, organisations and associations before the drafting of a regulatory project.
  • Public hearing and information. Its purpose is to obtain the opinion of citizens with legitimate rights and interests affected by a legislative project that has already been drafted, directly or through the organisations or associations that represent them, as well as to obtain any additional contributions that may be made by other persons or entities.

Ministerios con participación pública