Request public information
Everyone can exercise the right of access to public information. This right guarantees the possibility to carry out consultations on public data and information.
Using the appropriate channels facilitates the processing of your request and reduces response times.
Please read the following recommendations carefully before requesting access to public information through this channel:
Telematic submission
To submit an application for a right of access telematically you need to identify yourself, either by using any of the modalities of the Cl@ve system -more information on Cl@ve- or by using the access code system -more information on access code-.

You will be redirected either to the Cl@ve authentication system, which will allow you to select the identification mode that is most convenient for you, or to the access code system.

Once identified, you will be redirected to a form through which you can make your enquiry.

You will be shown your completed information request and, if you are happy with it, you can proceed to submit it. If not, you can modify it.

If your request has been sent successfully, a message will be displayed on the screen indicating this.
If you are visiting the Transparency Portal for the first time, please visit this page with recommendations on how to make your information request.
Other means of presentation provided for by law
You can exercise your right of access to information by submitting a request, with proof of your identity, to:
- Post offices. The following requirements must be taken into account for submission via the postal services.
- The registers of the competent administrative bodies or any administrative body belonging to the General State Administration, to that of any of the Autonomous Communities, to that of any of the Provincial Councils, Island Councils and Island Councils, to the City Councils referred to in article 121 of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, regulating the Bases of Local Regime, or to that of the rest of the entities that make up the Local Administration if, in the latter case, the appropriate agreement has been signed. See the registry offices.
- At Spanish diplomatic representations or consular offices abroad. Consult the embassies and consulates.
You can use the following form if you wish:
More information
The right of access may be limited in the cases contemplated in Articles 14 and 15 of the Law. Among others: National Security, Defence, Economic and Monetary Policy, for the protection of personal data, etc.
Why should I identify myself?
The exercise of the Right of Access starts with the administration of an administrative procedure that requires the identification of the applicant.
How can I submit an application?
Telematically or by other means provided for in the Law.