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Remuneration of senior officials

Comprehensive remuneration of people who hold senior positions in the General State Administration. The current information corresponds to the remuneration of the previous year.

The current information corresponds to the remuneration of the previous year.

Updated 02-01-2023.

See remuneration of previous years.

Fuente de los datos Departamentos ministeriales
Periodicidad de la publicación Anualmente. A partir de enero se publican las retribuciones correspondientes al año anterior
Criterio de ordenación  Organización anual de la información
Formato  Formato CSV


The full annual remuneration received by the persons occupying senior positions since 2013. In the event that the person is a civil servant, the corresponding triennial remuneration is included in each case.

Persons holding high office who hold the status of national parliamentarians receive only their remuneration from the General State Administration, without prejudice to the expense allowances they receive from the Chambers.

In the column Senior position, information may appear with one or two asterisks:
(*)  If the senior official is a civil servant, the information on the number of three years of service followed by the letter T shall also be included.

(**) In the case of terminations, the period to which the remuneration corresponds shall be put in brackets.

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