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Curriculums of senior officials

List of functions, positions, academic training and professional experience of each of the people who hold senior positions in the Government.

The information will be updated as the royal decrees of structure of each ministry are published.

Source of data

Ministerial departments

Periodicity of publication

Coinciding with the entry or departure of a person holding a senior position

Management criterion 

Priority in the Ministry

Format   ---


Homogeneous information on the professional careers of persons holding senior positions, outlining their basic functions in the exercise of the position, their academic training, membership, where applicable, of civil service bodies, or the exercise of other representative positions, as well as professional experience in each case.

The information is arranged in hierarchical order within each ministry.

Information classified by Ministries

Information classified by organizations

Autoridad Administrativa Independiente Spanish Data Protection Agency
Autoridad Administrativa Independiente Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission
Autoridad Administrativa Independiente National Securities Market Commission
Autoridad Administrativa Independiente Spanish Nuclear Safety Council