Transparency in other public administrations
Andalucía - Aragón - Principado de Asturias - Balears, Illes - Canarias - Cantabria - Castilla y León - Castilla-La Mancha - Cataluña - Ciudad de Ceuta - Ciudad de Melilla - Comunidad de Madrid - Comunidad Valenciana - Extremadura - Galicia - Región de Murcia - Comunidad Foral de Navarra - País Vasco - La Rioja
Andalusia. Autonomous Community
Provincial councils
Provincial capital city councils
Aragon. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency of Public Activity and Citizen Participation
- Transparency Council
Provincial councils
Provincial capital municipalities
Canary Islands. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Transparency and Access to Public Information Law
- Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information
Provincial capital municipalities
Island councils
subirCantabria. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency of Public Activity
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints.
Provincial capital city council
subirCastile-La Mancha. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Transparency and Good Governance Act
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints.
Provincial councils
Provincial capital municipalities
subirCastile and Leon. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency and Citizen Participation
- The Procurador del Común will be responsible for resolving complaints.
Provincial councils
Provincial capital municipalities
subirCatalonia. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance
- Committee for the Guarantee of the Right of Access to Public Information
Provincial councils
Provincial capital municipalities
Madrid Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency and Participation of the Community of Madrid
- Transparency and Participation Council of the Community of Madrid
Provincial capital city council
subirValencian Community. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law on Transparency and Good Governance of the Valencia Region
- Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance Council of Valencia
Provincial councils
Provincial capital city councils
subirExtremadura. Autonomous Community
Provincial councils
Capital city councils of Autonomous Communities and provinces
subirGalicia. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Transparency and Good Governance Act
- The Galician Transparency Commission will be in charge of resolving complaints.
Provincial councils
Autonomous Community and provincial capital city and town councils
subirIlles Balears. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law of Good Administration and Good Governance
- Decree 31/2023, 22 May, which establishes the administrative organisation in matters of transparency and develops the exercise of the right of access to public information in the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands and its instrumental public sector.
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints.
Provincial capital city councils
Island Councils
subirLa Rioja. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Transparency and Good Governance Law
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints
Provincial capital city council
- Transparency Portal
- Regulations on Transparency and Access to Public Information
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints
Navarre. Autonomous Community
Provincial capital city council
subirBasque Country. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Draft Law on Transparency, Citizen Participation and Good Governance in the Basque Public Sector
- Basque Commission for Access to Public Information
Provincial Councils
Provincial capital city councils
subirPrincipality of Asturias. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Law of the Principality of Asturias 8/2018 of 14 September on Transparency, Good Governance and Stakeholder Groups
- (*) The CTBG will be responsible for resolving complaints
Provincial capital city council
subirRegion of Murcia. Autonomous Community
- Transparency Portal
- Transparency and Citizen Participation Law
- Transparency Council of the Murcia Region
Provincial capital city council
subir(*) In accordance with article 24 of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the Council for Transparency and Good Governance shall be competent to hear complaints that may be lodged against the resolutions passed in procedures for access to public information, except in those cases in which the Autonomous Communities assign this competence to a specific body.
In this regard, the fourth additional provision of the same Law 19/2013, of 9 December, establishes that the resolution of the complaint will correspond, in the cases of resolutions issued by the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities and their public sector, and by the Local Entities included in their territorial scope, to the independent body determined by the Autonomous Communities.
The same regulation also provides that the Autonomous Communities and the Cities with a Statute of Autonomy may attribute this competence for the resolution of complaints to the Council for Transparency and Good Governance, by entering into an agreement for this purpose.