Agreements and entrustments
Agreements and management entrustments made by State Administration bodies.
The management of the agreements corresponding to the Presidency of the Government is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with Parliament and Democratic Memory.
Further information,
Source of data |
SG de Producción Normativa y Convenios - Mº Hacienda y Función Pública (Regulatory Production and Agreements - Ministry of Finance and Civil Service) |
Periodicity of publication |
Daily |
Management criterion |
Type of organisation and ministry to which it reports |
Format |
PDF format |
The agreements and management entrustments in force signed by the General State Administration since January 2014.
As the State Administration, the units signing the agreements and management commissions published on this portal may belong to the General State Administration, the Management Entities and common services of the Social Security, Autonomous Bodies, State Agencies, Public Business Entities and Public Law Entities, including Public Universities, and Mercantile Companies with majority public participation.
Agreements are collaboration instruments through which commitments are formalised between two or more parties. They are provided for in the Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector..(Article 47)
This website includes basic information on the agreements signed by the General State Administration with Autonomous Communities, with entities and bodies dependent on the same Administration or with the Entities or bodies dependent on the Entities that make up the Local Administration, and agreements signed with legal entities or individuals subject to private law.
Information relating to collaboration agreements between government bodies is included, identified as agreements. With the entry into force of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, this type of legal instruments cease to be considered agreements, as the signatories do not have a separate legal personality ex. art. 3.4 Law 40/2015, not complying with the requirement of otherness established in art. 47 of the aforementioned law.
Management entrustments, on the other hand, are administrative figures that allow the entrusting body to entrust other bodies or entities of the same or different administrations to carry out activities of a material, technical or service nature, either for reasons of efficiency or because it does not possess the technical means, always without altering its powers. The assignments shown here are foreseen in the Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.. (Article 11)