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Ministry of health

Información sobre las funciones del Ministerio de Sanidad y sus organismos públicos, vinculados o dependientes.


The ministry of health the proposal and implementation of the government's health policy, planning and health care, as well as the exercise of jurisdiction of the General state administration to ensure citizens the right to health protection.

La Secretaría de Estado de Sanidad es el órgano superior del Departamento al que corresponde abordar los proyectos de innovación, mejora y transformación del Sistema Nacional de Salud, en particular los relacionados con la salud digital y los sistemas de información, así como realizar las actividades tendentes a la traslación de la innovación y avances de la investigación al Sistema Nacional de Salud, sin perjuicio de las competencias atribuidas a otros departamentos ministeriales y a las comunidades autónomas. También le corresponde desempeñar las funciones concernientes a salud pública, coordinación interterritorial, Alta Inspección, planificación sanitaria, impulso de las estrategias de salud, elaboración y actualización de la cartera común de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud, ordenación de las profesiones sanitarias y desarrollo y ejecución de la política farmacéutica, así como las funciones relativas a la financiación pública y fijación del precio de medicamentos y productos sanitarios y el desarrollo de la política del Ministerio en materia de coordinación de la política de trasplantes. Por su parte, en el ámbito de la sanidad exterior, le corresponde organizar y garantizar la prestación y calidad de los controles sanitarios de bienes a su importación o exportación en las instalaciones de las fronteras españolas y en los medios de transporte internacionales, así como de los transportados por los viajeros en el tránsito internacional, organizar y garantizar la prestación de la atención sanitaria del tránsito internacional de viajeros, de la prevención de las enfermedades y lesiones del viajero y de los servicios de vacunación internacional, en colaboración a estos efectos con las Comunidades Autónomas para que la vacunación sea más accesible a la ciudadanía que deba cumplir con este requisito, así como articular la vigilancia de sanidad exterior. Además, le corresponde el impulso, evaluación y coordinación del desarrollo y ejecución del Marco Estratégico para la Atención Primaria y Comunitaria. Asimismo, le corresponde la determinación de los criterios que permitan establecer la posición española ante la Unión Europea y en otros foros internacionales en las materias propias de su competencia. Igualmente, le corresponden las actuaciones pertinentes en los ámbitos de la seguridad de los alimentos destinados al consumo humano, incluyendo la nutrición y los aspectos de calidad con incidencia en la salud y la seguridad de la cadena alimentaria, todo ello sin perjuicio de las competencias atribuidas al Ministerio de Derechos Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030 y al Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. También le corresponde el desarrollo y cumplimiento de las competencias del Departamento en materia de actualización, coordinación y ejecución del Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, particularmente en los ámbitos de las drogodependencias y otras adicciones.

The General Secretariat for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System is the body of the Department that is responsible for dealing with projects for modernization, innovation, improvement and transformation of the National Health System related to digital health and information systems for the National Health System, carrying out activities aimed at transferring innovation and advances in research to the National Health System, without prejudice to the competencies attributed to other ministerial departments and to the autonomous communities.

It is also responsible for the development of information systems, the management of clinical and administrative information related to the competencies of the department as well as the identification of the protected population and access to clinical and therapeutic information of the National Health System, the control, standardization and cataloguing of health information, and the assurance of interoperability and accessibility, in accordance with the European Union regulations on health data, as well as representing the Ministry of Health in national and international bodies competent in the field of digital health, without prejudice to the competencies of other units of the department.

2. The General Secretariat for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System reports to the General Directorate for Digital Health and Information Systems for the National Health System.

3. In addition, the General Secretariat for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System shall perform the following functions:

Facilitate the development and implementation of strategic lines on research and innovation in the healthcare sector, oriented towards the incorporation of improvements in patient care and in the organization and operation of the National Health System, in collaboration with other bodies and institutions involved, and in particular with the Carlos III O.A. Health Institute.
To carry out the necessary actions for the development and maintenance of the Health Information System of the National Health System defined in chapter V of Law 16/2003, of May 28, on cohesion and quality of the National Health System, guaranteeing its quality, standardization, cataloguing, comparability, transparency and accessibility within the legal framework of personal data protection.
To carry out the necessary actions for the governance and management of health data, applying the agreements adopted within the framework of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, through the Health Data Office as a technical unit and in collaboration with the rest of the competent bodies.
To coordinate the operations of the Ministry of Health on health and the health system in the National Statistical Plan, as well as its contribution for other state purposes and to respond to the commitments in terms of data and information, with international organizations.
To prepare the Annual Report of the National Health System with a comprehensive approach to health and its protection and from the perspective of equity, quality and efficiency, as well as the periodic evaluation reports on the health situation, the functioning, performance and results of the health system and its comparative analysis with other health systems, including the expectations and opinion of citizens and the results in patients.
To assume the functional management of the common services of the National Health System related to the Protected Population and the interoperability of the Digital Health Record and the Electronic Prescription, both nationally and internationally, as well as to prepare and maintain the general registry of health centers, services and establishments.
To represent the Ministry of Health in national and international organizations competent in information, health interoperability, standardization, statistics and evaluation of the health sector.
To promote the diligent and ethical use of the data used within the scope of the National Health System, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities and other agents involved, as well as to ensure its integrity and proceed to its dissemination, under the terms and conditions established by the applicable regulations through the Health Data Office.

Translated with (free version)

The Department of health is the body to play the role envisaged in law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector, and leadership, momentum and monitoring of their governing bodies dependent and, where appropriate, public agencies that we are all attached. It also implements the coordination of the proceedings of the Department on matters submitted to the Collegiate bodies of the government.
In addition, it is, in particular, the development of the following functions:
The personnel management and statutory officer, department's labour, the development of relations of jobs, the preliminary draft public job and employment plans, and the call and resolution of the targeted evidence staffing and labour and the department's staffing and its autonomous bodies; training and the promotion of staff, social assistance and relations with the personnel board and with the works council, as well as the safety and health at work, and also the economic regime and control of staff costs and empowerment.
The preparation and conduct of preliminary draft budget for the department and its agencies, of the department's budgetary changes and the secondment of agencies, as well as the report and technical assistance in the budget and the functions entrusted to the budget offices.
The management and treasury económico-financiera of budget appropriations of the department; the functions of empowerment and pagaduría; handling of the cases of recruitment and other files of expenditure is not attributed to other organs of the department, as well as the programming and previous accounting of the budget appropriations.
The leadership, momentum and management in the department of general services y de régimen interior, security, heritage, the works and engineering equipment maintenance, of the units, the development and update inventory of movable property, the management and implementation of plans for self-protection of property where the maintenance, as well as the planning and monitoring of the execution of contracts on these matters.
The planning, direction and coordination with developments in the horizontal systems of the ministry of health; development, design, formulation and proposal of needs of the technological resources; and the technological leadership and coordination, and of the release of content and procedures of the web portal, electronic site and Intranet of the ministry of health.
The development, development and implementation of plans of digitization of the department, as well as the momentum and follow-up to the plans of digital transformation of the General state administration, in the area of the ministry of health, without prejudice to the competence of other units and coordination with these.
The executive direction and integrated management of digital workplace, including support to people and headquarters clients, the provision and management of equipment and related services.
Coordination and monitoring, in collaboration with the directorate of health and Digital information systems of the national health system, of the proceedings in the area of information and communications technology developed by the governing bodies and agencies of the department, including the application to the Digital Administration, chaired by the individual holder of the directorate of health, of the proposals in this area.
The planning and budget performance in the area of information and digital transformation within their competence, as well as its implementation and follow-up associated without prejudice to the competence of other units and coordination with these. In Addition, the momentum of cases of recruitment and contractual follow-up of agreements on levels of service.
The functions that the law 19/2013, of 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance, and its provisions, attributed to pieces of information, in the area of the ministry of health, as well as support in coordinating efforts in the area of open government in the area of the ministry.
The establishment and management of information systems of the ministry of health aimed to citizenship, as well as attention to it on how to access to services, procedures, grants and subsidies within the competence of the ministry of health.
The implementation and coordination of such campaigns the capacity of the department, in cooperation with various units proponents of the same.
The realization of informational and popularizing in fields within the department, without prejudice to the expressly assigned to another Body.
The implementation and evaluation of inspection of the department's services and public sector entities that have institutional attached.
(O) the proposal for simplification and standardization of procedures, conducting studies and proposals on improving the organization.
The proceedings of review and proposal regulated by royal decree 799/2005 of 1 july, regulating inspections of services.
The coordination of assessments of public policies within the competence of the Department and, where appropriate, to be determined by the person who, according to the evaluation of public policies adopted by the council of ministers, with the support of the institute for the evaluation of public policies of the ministry of economy, trade and enterprise.
The momentum of the recruitment and coordination of the implementation of the funds from the european Union for the Ministry of health.
The introduction of an erp system with the strategic approach and forecast deployment, evaluation of implementation and review.
The momentum and coordination of technical and administrative work involved in projects with european and national funding for the Ministry of health. Under these projects, it is also planning its control, monitoring and evaluation through regular monitoring of indicators of achievement and performance and evaluation of their implementation with updated information on progress towards achieving the benchmarks and targets.
The momentum and collaboration with the department's managers in the implementation of existing obligations in the area of communication and publicity in relation to procedures associated with funds from the european Union.
Coordination and the momentum of the plans and projects initiated within the scope of the state secretariat of the civil service.
The exercise of the functions of the technical secretariat of the Interterritorial Council of the national health system.
The exercise of the functions of the equality unit of the ministry, as set out in article 77 of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, on effective equality of men and women, in accordance with the royal Decree No. 259/2019, of 12 april, establishing the equality units of the General state administration.
Follow-up and updating of the representation of the ministry in collegiate bodies and committees or working groups.

The Commissioner of Mental health is the body of the department to develop the strategic directions in mental health of the ministry and the possible interactions with other ministerial departments, other public administrations, public and private institutions and civil society. It also expected to undertake a State of Mental health.
In particular, will undertake the following functions:
Promote, reorganizing and coordinating the network of community mental health of state health services, especially in terms of services to persons with Serious Mental Disturbance (TMG) by promoting the improvement of human resources management, the establishment of quality indicators, the promotion of research and the adoption of a care model based on comprehensive care and personalized.
Develop, implement and evaluate specific plans of mental health, such as those for childhood, adolescence and youth, the rational use of psychotropic substances and against suicide. Management of the line 024 of attention to the suicidal behaviour.
To assess the implementation of the plans of action in Mental Health, within the Mental health strategy 2022-2026.
Further actions and initiatives for the promotion and protection of mental health at work, in collaboration with various institutional, social and health services, in accordance with existing regulations, and develop strategies that identify and address the burden of mental illness resulting from the working environment.
Design strategies for action and promotion of community health aimed at addressing mental suffering social through care units and follow-up to the social prescription, together with various relevant institutions, which will seek to strengthen networks and existing community resources and develop new approaches and tools in the community average.
Promote the creation of a prevention programme and despatologización mental health services, based on the approach of social determinants, to address the root causes of mental disorders and reduce their stigmatization.
Promote the project Horizon of disinstitutionalization for the year 2040, including studies on the current situation and measures to promote the recovery and community reintegration of persons with mental disorders.
Develop specific actions aimed at the promotion, protection and care of mental health of vulnerable groups, such as detainees in prisons, migrants, by their special circumstances, are in a situation of vulnerability, and victims of gender violence or sexual violence, focusing particularly on the measures that guarantee the respect of the rights of persons subjected to involuntary measures because of a mental disorder.
Determine the criteria to allow the spanish position before the european union and other international forums in the fields within its competence, in coordination with the Technical Secretariat-General.




Organizational structure (organization)
