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Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes

Information on the role of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport and its agencies, associated or dependent.

Updated to 25/03/2024.


The ministry of education, vocational training and sport is the department of the General state administration responsible for:

  1. The proposal and implementation of the government's educational policy, as provided in this royal decree, with the exception of the university courses.
  2. The proposal and implementation of government policy in the area of Training of the educational system and working people.
  3. The proposal and implementation of government policy on sport.

Furthermore, it is for this Department the momentum of the actions of cooperation and of international relations in the previous subjects, without prejudice to the powers that correspond to other ministerial departments.

  1. The supervision of the powers conferred on the Department in the field of non-university education, with the exception of the teachings of Vocational training.
  2. The management, evaluation and innovation of the lessons that are members of the spanish education system, including all the lessons of the educational system except university education and vocational training, without prejudice to the competence of the supreme council for sports in the field of sports lessons.
  3. The implementation of the obligations of the non-university education, with the exception of the vocational training, and of educational innovation, as well as the promotion of equal opportunities in access to education.
  4. The programming and management of the lessons of its competence in the field, development and dissemination of educational guidance arising from the regulations in force in the field of special education and management of their basic academic lessons therefrom.
  5. The design, planning and policy direction for fellowships and grants, in coordination with the ministry of science, innovation and universities as well as its management.
  6. The promotion of equality policies, co-education, non-discrimination and universal accessibility within its competence.
  7. The momentum and coordination of relations with the autonomous communities and local governments in matters within its competence.
  8. The functions envisaged in the current regulations for the high education inspectorate.
  9. The development of the proposals of general provisions in matters within its competence, as well as the relationships and consultations with the autonomous communities and the natural and legal persons concerned during processing.
  10. The directorate of international relations in the field of non-university education, with the exception of vocational training, as well as the monitoring of the proceedings arising from the european union in this area; the planning of educational administration abroad and at educational establishments owned spanish abroad, as well as the definition of international cooperation programmes on a bilateral or multilateral agreements in the areas of competence, without prejudice to the competence of the ministry of foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation.
  11. The establishment of the guidelines relating to the management of teaching staff of non-university education, in coordination with the General secretariat of Training and with the office.
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  1. The economic survey and report of the acts and regulations with económico-financiera impact in the estimates of expenditures and income.
  2. Determining the structure of the programmes and subprogrammes on which the activity of the department, the preparation and conduct of preliminary draft budget, annual follow-up of the implementation of the budgetary allocations and processing of your modifications.
  3. The follow-up to the degree of realization of goals with regard to the annual programmes and actions identified in the general state budget.
  4. The analysis and coordination of the financial resources allocated to the department, as well as coordination and monitoring implementation of european funds or international programmes or projects of the department, without prejudice to the functions assigned to other units.
  5. The internal system of central services of the department and maintenance, repair and reform, administration, operation and safety of buildings in which these services are based; the training and updating the inventory of cultural property of those, as well as the equipment of administrative units of the department, without prejudice, as appropriate, THROUGH collaboration with the Management of Infrastructure and equipment of Culture in the terms to be established.
  6. The development of personnel policy attached to the Department and, in particular, its planning and management, by devising needs; the proposal for a public job, selection and provision; the proposal for amending the relations of jobs; the prediction and monitoring of expenditure of personnel, as well as all those aspects arising from the implementation of the rules, the empowerment of staff and the salaries and payroll.
  7. The development of the policy of teaching staff and the development of the foundations of the legal regime of the civil service, in the area of the lessons of the various universities, in coordination with the secretariat of state for education and with the General secretariat for vocational training.
  8. The management of the department's teaching staff and procedures of mobility of teachers in different lessons of the universities, within the national level, of a coordinated manner with the remaining school boards, and in accordance with the ministry of education and with the General secretariat for vocational training.
  9. The training of staff, with the exception of the teacher, the management of social action and the prevention of occupational risks.
  10. The relationship with the trade unions and other professional associations representative.
  11. Strategic planning, the drive, rationalization and coordination of the digital processing and policy on information and communications technology (ICT) of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport, in accordance with the guidelines for Digital Transformation undertaken by the General state administration, as well as coordination and cooperation with other administrations and agencies in these matters.
  12. The establishment of the will of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport for procurement of goods and services in the field of information and telecommunications in all organs of the ministry, in accordance with Royal Decree 806/2014, of 19 september, on organization and operational instruments of information and communication technologies in the General state administration and its Agencies.
  13. The coordination of the proceedings of the administration of ministry of education, vocational training and sport, in accordance with the departmental action plan for the transformation and ICT Strategy of the General state administration and its agencies, and the provision of services shared declared as in the area of information and communications as ICT unit of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport.
  14. The momentum and coordination within the ministry of education, vocational training and sport of the National Level of interoperability and safety, and measures to ensure the accessibility of electronic services and compliance with obligations departmental reuse of public sector information.
  15. (O) the development of information systems and the provision of common services in the area of information and communication technologies necessary for the functioning of the department, the introduction of computer security, administration and maintenance of the platforms and the internet domains which housed the web portal, electronic, intranet and other electronic services of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport, as well as assistance in the field of information technology and technical support to the social networks.
  16. The management of communications networks in the department and the provision of means of electronic signature for staff in the service of the ministry of education, vocational training and sport.
  17. Economic and financial management of the department.
  18. Assistance to the governing bodies in the preparation of cases of recruitment and in the processing of contract award procedures, as well as assistance and support to the bureau and recruitment board of the department.
  19. The functions of empowerment and the ministry, pagaduría except in cases where the proceedings of a given unit of the ministry may require them to put a paying cash own, as well as those relating to the Central unit.
  20. The development of the functions of the equality unit of the department, under article 77 of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, on effective equality between women and men.
  21. The functions assigned to the ministry of education, vocational training and sport in the management of programmes cofinanced by the eu structural funds in the field of education and vocational training, in coordination with the ministry of education and the General secretariat of Vocational Training
  22. The exercise of the functions of programming, management and control, as Intermediary for aid of the european union structural funds.
  23. The role of coordination with the high council of sports in the development of sport policies of the department.
  24. The exercise of the role of the unit for the inclusion of staff with disabilities, in accordance with the additional provision of royal fifteenth Decreto-ley 6/2023, of 19 december, which approved urgent measures for the implementation of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the field of public service of justice, the civil service, local regime and patronage.



Organizational structure (organization)
