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Ministry of housing and Urban Agenda

Information on the functions of the ministry of housing and Urban Agenda and its agencies, associated or dependent.


  1. The ministry of housing and Agenda Urbana is the department of the General state administration responsible for the proposal and implementation of government policy in housing, Agenda Urbana, construction quality and soil, as well as from the rest of competences and powers conferred by the legal system.
  2. The powers conferred on this royal decree means, in coordination and without prejudice to those that correspond to other ministerial departments.
  1. State secretariat for Housing Agenda Urbana and is the body directly responsible, under the leadership of the individual holder of the department of the proposed definition and implementation of government policy concerning access to housing, land and architecture, innovation, quality and sustainability of the building and the policies of sustainable urban development to implement Agenda 2030 and the international Urban Agendas at state level.
  2. The state secretariat for Housing Agenda Urbana and exercises, with regard to the units dependent on it, the terms of reference specified in article 62 of law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector.
  3. In particular,
    1. The design and implementation of state policy on access to housing.
    2. The formulation, revision and follow-up to the strategic planning for the rehabilitation of the park built.
    3. The dissemination, promotion and investigation of architecture.
    4. Promoting sustainability, innovation and quality in urban policy and in the building.
    5. The exercise of governmental authority in building, in particular the development of the basic regulation building.
    6. The implementation of projects and activities of architectural interest.
    7. The functions that, in connection with the funds to finance maintenance or enrichment of spain ’ s historical heritage, are appropriate to the ministry of housing and Agenda Urbana.
    8. The regulation of the regime of the soil and assessments and the basic conditions that ensure equality of all spaniards in access to housing.
    9. The exercise of governmental authority with urban incidence.
    10. The information and the design of urban policies within the competence of the state.
    11. The follow-up to the proceedings relating to the Spanish Urban Agenda, as well as the momentum for its implementation.
    12. Knowledge and participation in the process of integration of transport infrastructure of general interest in the urban Areas and coordinating the processes and tools necessary for its urban planning and implementation, excluding the airports of general interest, ports and railway infrastructure and road and without prejudice to the powers that correspond to the ministry of transport and Movilidad Sostenible.
    13. Cooperation with territorial administrations of the proceedings in the field of urban development and the promotion of public housing in cities, stimulating and coordinating the implementation of the conventions.
    14. The representation of the ministry of housing and Agenda Urbana in international bodies and the european Union relating to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and international Agendas, Urban housing, construction, architecture and urban policies and ground, without prejudice to the competence of other bodies of the department.
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  1. The leadership, momentum and coordination of the proceedings concerning the participation of the department in the collegiate bodies of the government and the collaboration and support to the government.
  2. Coordination and follow-up to international relations in the competence of the office, and the representation of women in international institutions, especially the european union, in collaboration with the ministry of foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation, without prejudice to the competence of the superior bodies and managers of the department.
  3. The responsibility of legal advice to the person who in the development of the functions as it corresponds to and, in particular, in the exercise of their regulatory and in the production of administrative acts within the jurisdiction of that, as well as the other organs of the Ministry.
  4. Programme monitoring investors and the analysis of the contractual activity of the department and its subsidiaries in detail territorializado.
  5. The functions attributed to the internal control unit by the Plan of measures against fraud the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the area of the ministry.
  6. Follow-up, coordination and development of the proposed plan of action for correction of irregularities, weaknesses, uncertainties and limitations may be revealed by audits and controls the department and its subsidiaries by the General Intervention of state administration, as reflected in article 161 of the law 47/2003, of 26 november, General Budget.
  7. The follow-up to economic activity, finance and budget of the department and agencies and under the ministry of housing and Urban Agenda.
  8. The economic and budgetary assessment of plans and programmes under the ambit of the Department.
  9. Reporting of financial and economic nature with respect to matters regulated by the department.
  10. The programming and development of the general statistics describing the activity of the department, as well as coordination and, where appropriate, processing of statistical operations tasks assigned to the department in the National Statistical Plan, representing them in the bodies and inter-ministerial commissions in the field of statistics.
  11. The development of the preliminary draft budget for the department, the coordination of the budgets for their subsidiaries and the transmission of all of them to the ministry of finance, as established under the rules of procedure.
  12. The report and case management of budget amendment of the department and its subsidiaries.
  13. The report and the provision of technical assistance in the budget, as well as other functions entrusted to the office in budgetary terms at the Royal Decree 2855/1979, of 21 december, which create Budget offices.
  14. The coordination of development and maintenance of the strategic Plan for grants in accordance with current regulations.
  15. (O) The follow-up to the contributions by entities registered with the department for the financing of the work of conservation or enrichment of spain ’ s historical heritage, as well as the development of other reports requested by the ministry of culture.
  16. Financial management and treasury department; the recruitment for common services, the management of procurement Portal and any financial authority and non-attached to other organs of the ministry.
  17. The management of the awarding of grants in the Area of competence of the ministry under provisions made in the budgetary service.
  18. The development of management in the department of interior, security, heritage, the works and engineering equipment maintenance, of the units, as well as the planning and monitoring of the execution of contracts on these matters.
  19. The executive direction and coordination of administrative information and assistance offices on registration, as well as the technical services, security, copy and, in general, internal regulations and general affairs of the central services of the ministry.
  20. The planning, direction and management of human resources central services of the department and relations with the trade unions and staff representative bodies, as well as the management of the salaries of staff in the training curricula, social action and programmes to prevent occupational risks.
  21. Handling of the cases of compatibility relating to staff of the ministry, resulting from implementation legislation on the incompatibilities service of the public administrations. Furthermore, the processing of disciplinary proceedings of the department's personnel.
  22. The implementation of the plans and programmes of the inspection and evaluation of the functioning of organs and units of central services. Assistance to the person who in the control of effectiveness of the department, as well as the exercise of the functions of Unit for the management of Complaints and suggestions of the central services of the Department, as set out in article 14 of the Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 july, which establishes the general framework for improving the quality in the General state administration, and the processing of other obligations under this rule.
  23. The exercise of the functions of equality unit of the ministry, as set out in article 77 of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, on effective equality between women and men and in accordance with the royal Decree No. 259/2019, of 12 april, establishing the equality units of the General state administration.
  24. The management of communication and advertising the capacity of the department and the development of the annual Plan of Publicity of the ministry of housing and urban Agenda, and collaboration in the implementation of the editorial policy of the department.
  25. With regard to the central services of the Department, the planning, management, development and maintenance of information systems; the preparation, proposal of needs and technological resources, including acquisition, management and maintenance; as well as the provision of services in the area of information and coordination and leadership development and implementation of the department's services on the Internet, including the Internet portal, electronic site and Intranet.
  26. The planning and management of technological infrastructures and networks and communications services; responsibility for the maintenance of computer equipment of the department, as well as the technical management in the acquisition of licences, and computers.
  27. Development, development and implementation of plans of digitization of the department, as well as the implementation and follow-up to the plans of digital transformation of the General state administration, for central services of the Department, in coordination with the secretary-General for administration of the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.



  • Royal Decree 208/2024, of 27 february, which develops the basic organizational structure of the ministry of housing and Agenda Urbana, and modifies the royal decree 1009/2023, of 5 december, establishing the basic organizational structure of the ministerial departments. (Versión containing the consolidated amended).
  • See theRegulation (Legislatura XV).


Organizational structure (organization)
