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Ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory

Information on the functions of the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Heritage and its agencies, linked or dependants.

Updated to 5/12/2024.


The Ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory is the department of the General state administration which corresponds to the proposal and implementation of government policy in terms of relations and cooperation with the autonomous communities and the constituent entities of the local administration and the competencies concerning the territorial organization of the state; as well as relations with delegations and Branches of government and the support of its management.

Nevertheless, this Department corresponds to the proposal and implementation of the government's policy on historical memory and democratic.

  1. The momentum, direction and management of the government's policy regarding the organization and activity territorial integrity of the state, to the General state administration in the territory, as well as the institutional relationship with the autonomous communities and local entities.
  2. Coordination, support and management of international character occurring in the area of the secretariat of state, without prejudice to the functions corresponding to the ministry of foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation.
  3. The drive and the initiative for the development policy on matters within its competence, and others responsible for the individual holder of the department, without prejudice to the competence for other bodies of the department.
  4. The momentum and coordination of the Conference of presidents.
  1. The promotion and coordination of cooperation programmes in Democratic Memory with the autonomous communities, local corporations and other agencies, in the development of actions for the knowledge and dissemination of the Democratic Heritage, including the victims and specifically the memory of the women and exile.
  2. Collaboration with the relevant ministerial departments and, where appropriate, the proposal of measures for the momentum of the actions open to them under the law 20/2022, of 19 october, from Democratic Memory, as well as integration and maintenance of updated information on such proceedings.
  3. Relations with the office of the Room of human rights and Democratic Heritage and the ombudsman's office with regard to matters governed by act no. 20/2022, of 19 october.
  4. Encouraging the formation, teaching and research in the area of Democratic Heritage in all academic fields, in cooperation with universities and other agencies concerned, as well as the establishment of lines of collaboration that make it possible to collect information or knowledge of experts on the subject.
  5. Collaboration with public administrations and entities that request assistance in acts of recognition, remembrance and honouring the victims of war in spain or dictatorship, or in commemoration of the representative Democratic Heritage, as the momentum of the institutional acts on 31 october, remembrance and homage to all victims of the military coup, war and dictatorship, and on 8 may, remembrance and homage to the men and women who suffered exile as a result of war and dictatorship.
  6. The declaration of places of remembrance Of democracy.
  7. The drive and the initiative for the development policy on matters within its competence, and others responsible for the individual holder of the department, without prejudice to the competence for other bodies of the department.
  8. The prosecution and resolution of cases of sanctions for offences categorized as very serious law 20/2022, of 19 october.
  9. The resolution on the withdrawal of symbols and elements contrary to the memory of democracy in the area of the General state administration and public bodies and entities under public law associated or dependent.
  1. The coordination of territorial policy of the various ministerial departments that take place through the government's delegations.
  2. The coordination of the activity of the General state administration in the territory and assistance to the same, as well as the management of resources of government delegations, in the area of competence of the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory.
  3. The momentum of the relations of cooperation and collaboration of the General state administration with the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla and with local authorities.
  4. The proposal for action on the authority of relations with territorial administrations.
  5. The legal follow-up and report on the draft provisions and regulations, acts of state, the autonomous communities and local entities, about its suitability for the constitutional order of distribution of competences.
  6. The follow-up to the local regime and cooperation with local entities, as well as national and european programmes for implementation at the local Area.
  7. The empowerment of the use of the official languages in the General state administration.
  1. The leadership, momentum and coordination of the proceedings concerning the participation of the department in the collegiate bodies of the government and the collaboration and support to the government.
  2. Assistance to the person who in the control of effectiveness of the department.
  3. The legal advice to the person who in the development of the functions that this was owed and, in particular, in the exercise of their regulatory and in the production of administrative acts within the jurisdiction of that, as well as the other organs of the Ministry.
  4. The draft annual budgets of the ministry, as well as the monitoring of budget execution and processing of your modifications.
  5. Economic and financial management and planning and follow-up to the administrative staff for central services.
  6. The planning, direction and management of human resources central services of the department and relations with the trade unions and staff representative bodies, as well as the management of the training curricula, social action and programmes to prevent occupational risks.
  7. The proposal on the compatibility, to the body competent to decide, in connection with the staff of the ministry as resulting from implementation legislation on the incompatibilities service of the public administrations.
  8. The implementation of the plans and programmes of the inspection and evaluation of the functioning of organs and units of central services.
  9. The exercise of the functions of the information of transparency in the Ministry, as set out in article 21 of act 19/13 of 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance, and support in coordinating the efforts of this Department in the area of open government; as well as the exercise of the functions of unit for the management of complaints and suggestions of the central services of the Department, as set out in article 14 of the Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 july, which establishes the general framework for improving the quality in the General state administration.
  10. The exercise of the functions of equality unit of the ministry, as set out in article 77 of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, on effective equality between women and men, and in accordance with the royal Decree No. 259/2019, of 12 april, establishing the equality units of the General state administration, as well as the exercise of the functions of unity for the inclusion of persons with disabilities, as foreseen by the additional provision of royal fifteenth Decreto-ley 6/2023, of 19 december, which approved urgent measures for the implementation of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the field of public service of justice, the civil service, local regime and patronage.
  11. The management of tangible property, movable and immovable property and inventory, leases, the execution of works and the maintenance and preservation of the buildings of the central services of the ministry.
  12. The executive direction and coordination of administrative information and assistance offices on registration, as well as the technical services, security, copy and, in general, internal regulations and general affairs of the central services of the ministry.
  13. With regard to the central services of the Department, planning, direction and coordination of the development of information systems; the preparation, proposal of needs and technological resources; as well as the provision of services in the field of information technologies and the direction and coordination of the web portal, electronic site and Intranet.
  14. Elaboración, development and implementation of plans of digitization of the Department, as well as the implementation and follow-up to the plans of digital transformation of the General state administration, for central services of the Department, in coordination with the secretary-General for administration of the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.
  1. Further the implementation of measures taken by the General state administration in this area.
  2. The analysis and regular monitoring of the measures taken by the General state administration.
  3. To raise regular reports to the government on the activities carried out and results achieved, as well as number of proposals may be necessary for the proper performance of its mandated functions.
  4. Seek in the various ministerial departments, subsidiaries of the General state administration and of the delegation of the government in the autonomous community of The Canary Islands how much information is required in order to fulfil their duties, and convene few meetings may be required to that effect.
  5. Further coordination of the General state administration with the public authorities of the canary islands in this area.
  6. Support to the person minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Heritage in the exercise of the functions of the co-chair of the mixed commission for reconstruction, recovery and support to the island la Palma.
  7. Attend representing the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory of the sessions and work of the technical group of the mixed commission for reconstruction, recovery and support to the island la Palma.
  8. Few other functions entrusted to it by the individual holder of the Ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory.



Organizational structure (organization)
