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Ministerio de Igualdad

Information on the functions of the ministry of equality and its agencies, linked or dependants.

Updated to 12.03.2024.


The ministry of equality, the proposal and implementation of the government's policy on equality and the policies aimed at making real and effective equality between women and men, prevention and eradication of any form of violence against women, and of all forms of violence or discrimination against individuals on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sexual identity or expression of gender, gender, sexual characteristics, age, disability or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.

It is, in particular, the development and development of rules, actions and measures to ensure the equal treatment and opportunities, especially among women and men, and the promotion of women's full participation in political life, cultural, economic and social council.

The powers conferred on this royal decree means, in coordination and without prejudice to those that correspond to other ministerial departments.

The person who is the Equal exercise of the functions provided for in articles 61 of law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector, and in article 4 of the act 50/1997, of 27 november, the government.

  1. The development and promotion of the implementation of cross-cutting nature of the principles of equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men, as well as the gender perspective and sectional, acts of the public authorities, especially in the General state administration.
  2. The monitoring of implementation and policy development of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, on effective equality between women and men; the organic law 1/2004 of 28 december on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence; the organic law 10/2022, of 6 september, from comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom; the law 15/2022, of 12 july, a comprehensive manner for the equal treatment and non-discrimination; and the law 4/2023, from 28 february, to real and effective equality of transsexuals and to guarantee the rights of LGBTI people.
  3. The momentum and monitor compliance with the measures referred to in the State against gender violence, as well as the implementation of the measures necessary for the prevention and eradication of all forms of violence against women, in collaboration with state institutions and governments concerned, as well as with civil society organizations.
  4. The proposal of policies and measures to combat trafficking in women and girls for purposes of sexual exploitation, as well as their coordination, monitoring and evaluation.
  5. The coordination of the policies of the General state administration in the area of equal treatment and opportunities, with particular reference to equality between women and men, as well as the development cooperation policies with the administrations of the autonomous communities and local entities in areas of competence, without prejudice to the competence of other departments.
  6. The momentum to measures to promote equal treatment and opportunities between women and men and the necessary measures to consolidate the presence of women in all walks of life and to ensure parity composition or balanced presence of women and men, progressively, in the terms of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, and other regulations resulting from implementation.
  7. The momentum for real and effective equality of LGBTI people + and prevention and eradication of all forms of discrimination or violence Lgtbifóbica, without prejudice to the powers attributed to other departments.
  8. The momentum of measures to promote equal treatment and non-discrimination and for the prevention and eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, without prejudice to the powers attributed to other departments.
  9. In collaboration with the relevant bodies of the ministry of labour and Social economy, the promotion of policies aimed at ensuring equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation, and to reduce discrimination in employment and unemployment among women, aiming at full employment and reducing the differences between the perceptions of remuneration for men and women through, inter alia, supporting and facilitating the implementation of equality plans in business and transparency and equal pay.
  10. The promotion of action for the reconciliation of work, personal and family life, as well as the responsibility for care and family responsibilities, without prejudice to the powers attributed to other departments, by fostering, inter alia, the equalisation of permits for birth and care of minors and the development of programmes to encourage responsible fatherhood.
  11. The implementation of legal training, information and sensitization programmes aimed at implementing the principle of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in all Spheres of life.
  12. The development and promotion of the implementation of cross-cutting themes of the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sexual identity or expression of gender, gender, sexual characteristics, age, disability or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.
  13. The proposal of statutory measures designed to ensure equal treatment and non-discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sexual identity or expression of gender, gender, sexual characteristics, age, disability or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.
  14. The implementation of legal training, information and sensitization programmes aimed at implementing the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, national origin, sexual orientation, identity, sexual or gender, religion or belief, age, disability or any other condition or personal or social circumstance in all Spheres of life.
  15. (O) La proposal and the momentum of measures designed to make a diagnosis for the prevention and eradication of acts of hatred and hate speech in public and private spheres, in coordination with other ministerial departments.
  16. The momentum of measures designed to recognize and protect the heterogeneity of families, in coordination with other ministerial departments and public administrations.
  17. In collaboration with the relevant bodies of the ministry of foreign affairs, European Union and cooperation, monitoring and follow-up of international agreements on equality and non-discrimination, the organization and participation of España at summits and international events, reporting to the international institutions and the monitoring of projects and international events related to equality initiated by the government of España, without prejudice to the powers of the Technical Secretariat-General of the department in this area.
  18. Relations with the Independent Authority for the equal treatment and non-discrimination.
  1. The leadership, momentum and coordination of the proceedings concerning the participation of the department in the collegiate bodies of the government and the collaboration and support to the government.
  2. Assistance to the person who in the control of effectiveness of the department and its agencies.
  3. The responsibility of legal advice to the person who in the development of the functions as it corresponds to and, in particular, in the exercise of their regulatory and in the production of administrative acts within the jurisdiction of that.
  4. The draft annual budgets of the ministry and the coordination of the public entities and organizations attached, as well as the monitoring of budget execution and processing of your modifications.
  5. Economic and financial management, as well as the planning and follow-up to the administrative staff.
  6. The planning, direction and management of human resources of the department and relations with the trade unions and staff representative bodies, as well as the management of the training curricula, social action and programmes to prevent occupational risks.
  7. Handling of the cases of compatibility relating to staff of the ministry, as well as their government agencies linked to the resulting from implementation legislation on the incompatibilities service of the public administrations. We also give the disciplinary authority of the department's staff, as provided in law resulting from implementation.
  8. The implementation of the plans and programmes of the inspection and evaluation of the functioning of organs and units of the services, public entities and organizations attached.
  9. The exercise of the functions of the equality unit of the ministry, as set out in article 77 of the organic law 3/2007 of 22 march, and in accordance with the royal Decree No. 259/2019, of 12 april, establishing the equality units of the General state administration.
  10. The exercise of the functions of unity for the inclusion of staff with disabilities, in accordance with the additional provision of royal fifteenth Decreto-ley 6/2023, of 19 december, which approved urgent measures for the implementation of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the field of public service of justice, the civil service, local regime and patronage.
  11. The coordination of assessments of public policies within the competence of the department and, where appropriate, the realization thereof, that determine the person who, according to the evaluation of public policies adopted by the council of ministers, with the support of the institute for the evaluation of public policies.
  12. The management of tangible property, movable and immovable property and inventory, leases, the execution of works and the maintenance and preservation of the ministry's premises.
  13. The direction and coordination of the offices for assistance on the register, as well as the technical services, security, copy and, in general, internal regulations and general affairs of the Ministry.
  14. The planning, direction and coordination of information systems; the preparation, proposal of needs and technological resources, as well as the provision of services in the field of information technologies and the direction and coordination of the web portal, electronic site and intranet.
  15. The development, development and implementation of plans of digitization of the department, as well as the implementation and follow-up to the plans of digital transformation of the General state administration, in coordination with the secretary-General for administration of the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.


  • Royal Decree 246/2024, on 8 march, which develops the basic organizational structure of the ministry of equality, and modifies the royal decree 1009/2023, of 5 december, establishing the basic organizational structure of the ministerial departments. (Versión consilidada embodying the subsequent amendments).
  • See theRegulation (Legislatura XV).


Estructura orgánica (organigrama)

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