Relaciones de Puestos de Trabajo. Septiembre 2022
In this element is the relations of jobs from each of the ministries.
Article 74Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 october, which approves the consolidated text of the law of the Basic Statute of the public servantregulates the management of jobs and indicates:
"Public Administrations structured organization through its foreign jobs or other instruments that will include similar organisational, at least, the designation of posts, the professional classification, the bodies or scales, as appropriate, to be attached, systems of provision and the remuneration to complementary. These instruments will be publicly".
Can be foundadditional informationon themain codes of relations of jobs (RPTs),as a key observationsandspecialities from the workplace labour.
It has included the information of the TPNS of civilian personnel of the house of the Spanish King as annex within the ministry of the presidency, justice and relations with the courts.
Updated information to 1 september 2002.
Further information,Fuente de los datos | Registro Central de Personal. Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública |
Periodicidad de la publicación | Trimestral (marzo, julio, septiembre y diciembre) |
Formato | Formato PDF y XLS |