Ministry of the presidency, justice and relations with the courts
Guidelines for the application of the ministry of the presidency, justice and relations with the courts and their government agencies, associated or dependent.
- Basic Organizational Structure of the ministry
- Organos territoriales
- Attached to the ministry agencies
- Other provisions
- Órganos colegiados interadministrativos
- Otros órganos
Basic Organizational Structure of the ministry
- Royal Decree 204/2024, of 27 february, which develops the basic organizational structure of the ministry of the presidency, justice and relations with the courts, and modifies the royal decree 1012/2022, of 5 december, establishing the organizational structure of the legal profession, regulates the inspection services in its scope and contains regulations on its staff. (Consolidated version of the subsequent amendments).
Organos territoriales
- Real Decreto 472/2015, de 12 de junio , por el que se determina el ámbito territorial de los Institutos de Medicina Legal de Ceuta y Melilla. BOE 24-06-2015
- Orden JUS/415/2017, de 27 de abril , por la que se determinan los modelos de estructura y organización de la Oficina Judicial en determinados partidos judiciales del ámbito territorial del Ministerio de Justicia. BOE 15-05-2017
- Ley 38/1988, de 28 de diciembre, de Demarcación y de Planta Judicial. BOE 30-12-1988
Attached to the ministry agencies
- Royal Decree 1495/2007 of 12 novemberon the establishment of aAgencia Estatal sg and adopted its StatuteBOE 13-11-2007.
- Royal Decree 1269/1997, of 24 july, of organization and functioning of theThe centre of political studies and constitutionalBOE 07-08-1997.
- Royal Decree 1214/1997 of 18 julyon the organization of theThe center for sociological researchBOE 22-07-1997.
- Law 39/1995 of 19 decemberorganizational,The center for sociological researchBOE 20-12-1995.
- Royal Decree 496/1987, 18 march, which approves the rules of procedure of the law 23/1982 of 16 june,National HeritageBOE 13-04-1987.
- Act 23/1982 of 16 june, The National Heritage 22-06-1982 BOE.
- Royal Decree 96/2019, of 1 march, reordering and updating of the organizational structure of theMutual Judicial GeneralBOE 12-03-2019.
- Royal Decree 312/2019, of 26 aprilon theThe statute of the Autonomous legal studies centreBOE of 11-05-2019.
- Royal Decree 862/1998, of 8 mayon theThe regulations of the institute of ToxicologyBOE 05-06-1998.
- Royal Decree 389/2021, of 1 juneon theThe statute of the spanish data protection agencyBOE 02-06-2021.
Other provisions
- Order PCI/842/2018, of 3 august, which issued the decision of the council of ministers on 3 august 2018, which provides for the establishment of the authority for the coordination of actions to address illegal immigration in the area of the strait of Gibraltar, Alborán sea and adjacent waters and rules regarding their performance. BOE 04-08-2018
- Order PRA/244/2018, of 12 march, specifying thedate of entry into operation of the office for the coordination and quality StandardsBOE 13-03-2018.
- Royal Decree 1081/2017, of 29 december, which establishes thefunctioning of the office for the coordination and quality StandardsBOE 03-01-2018.
- Order PRA/28/2018, of 16 january- createboxes subcajas payment and in the area of the presidency of the government and the ministry of the presidency and territorial administrations23-01-2018. BOE.
- Order JUS/439/2018, of 26 april- creates and regulates theArchival system of the ministry of justice and public agencyassociated or dependent 02-05-2018 BOE.
- Order JUS/188/2016, of 18 february, specifying theScope and the entry into operational functioning of the office of recovery and asset managementand the opening of your deposits and 20-02-2016 BOE appropriations.
- Royal Decree 1110/2015, of 11 december, which regulates theThe Central Register of Sex OffendersBOE 30-12-2015.
- Royal Decree 1109/2015, of 11 december,develops law 4/2015, of 27 april, of the statute of the victim of crime, and regulate theOffices of assistance to victims of crimeBOE 30-12-2015.
- Order PRE/3048/2015, of 26 november- provides for the entry into operation and the headquarters ofFoundations register of State AuthorityBOE 01-12-2015.
- Royal Decree 948/2015, of 23 octoberonOffice of recovery and asset managementBOE 24-10-2015.
- Law 26/2015, of 28 julychange,system for the protection of children and adolescents29-07-2015. BOE. (Creates theThe Central Register of Sex Offenders)
- Royal Decree 594/2015, of 3 july, which regulates theRegistration of Religious EntitiesBOE 01-08-2015.
- Law 4/2015, of 27 april, of the statute of the victim of crime. BOE 28-04-2015
- Royal Decree 892/2013, of 15 november, which regulates theBankruptcy Public RegistryBOE 03-12-2013.
- Order JUS/132/2013,, regulating theregistrationBOE 02-02-2013.
- Law 20/2011, of 21 july,RegistryBOE 22-07-2011.
- Order JUS/1216/2011,- creates theInstitute of forensic medicine of bodies under state jurisdictionBOE 16-05-2011.
- Royal Decree 95/2009, of 6 february, which regulates theAdministrative records system of support for the administration of justiceBOE 07-02-2009.
- Order PRE/3749/2008 of 22 december, which gives publicity to the council of ministers on establishment of theOffice for victims of the Civil war and dictatorshipBOE 24-12-2008.
- Training of 28 may 2008the directorate General of the registry and notary, on the operation and organization of theDelegates Civil Registers by magistrates' courts and computerizedBOE 17-06-2008.
- Royal Decree 1611/2007 of 7 decemberon theRules of procedure of the foundations register of state authorityBOE 19-01-2008.
- Law 20/2005 of 14 novemberon the creation ofRegistration of insurance contracts of coverage of deathBOE 15-11-2005.
- Royal Decree 233/2005 of 4 march, which provides for the establishment and constitutiontried on violence against women.for the programming of the year 2005. BOE 17-03-2005
- Royal Decree 997/2003 of 25 julyon theThe rules of procedure of the state's legal ServiceBOE 07-08-2003.
- Law 7/1998 of 13 aprilongeneral conditions of recruitment14-04-1998. BOE. (Creates aRegistration of general conditions of recruitment)
- Royal Decree 1784/1996, of 19 julyon theRules of procedure of the register of companiesBOE 31-07-1996.
- Royal Decree 386/1996 of 1 marchon theThe rules of procedure of the institutes of Forensic MedicineBOE 09-03-1996.
- Royal Decree no. 915/1994 of 6 maycreating aSpecial unit within the state's legal ServiceBOE 10-05-1994.
- Order of 2 october 1991, which regulates the composition and functioning of theoffices of project supervision of the higher echelons of the departmentand set up the commission for the coordination and follow-up investment 16-10-1991 BOE.
Órganos colegiados interadministrativos
- Real Decreto 355/2014, de 16 de mayo , por el que se crea y regula el Consejo Médico Forense. BOE 31-05-2014
Otros órganos
- Real Decreto 635/1993, de 3 de mayo , por el que se regula la organización y funcionamiento de la Sección española en la Comisión Internacional del Estado Civil. BOE 18-05-1993
- Orden JUS/3126/2003, de 30 de octubre , por la que se crea la Comisión para la Modernización del Lenguaje Jurídico. BOE 11-11-2003.