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Elaboración normas administrativas de apertura de datos

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10.11. Andalusia: pattern of opening of data and momentum of technology big data

10.11.1. Development of standards and/or administrative arrangements for the opening of data.

Constitution of a multidisciplinary working group formed by civil servants to define the process of opening and the organizational pattern of the same




orange ball: activity partially implemented

Status of implementation

By agreement of 9 march 2023, commission and Viceconsejeras Viceconsejeros, adopts the guidelines for drawing up operational plans in the field of public accountability in the administration of the Junta de andalucia. These operational plans are provided for in article 42 of act 1/2014, of 24 june, of public accountability of Andalusia. In execution of these guidelines have been adopted, the operational plans in the field of public accountability for the period 2023-2024, for all, the administration of the Junta de andalucía, including as a measure number 7 development of a plan of openness within the time frame stipulated in the new Implementing regulation (EU) 2023/138 of the commission of 21 december 2002, the government established a list of specific data sets and modalities for the publication and reuse, selecting and prioritizing data sets that they belong. And as a measure no. 8, the opening of data sets for publication in the open Data Portal of the Junta de andalucia.

https ://

By Acuerdo from 29 august 2023 of governing council of the Junta de andalucía, takes note of the implementation of the proceedings for the opening of the high-value data in the administration of the Junta de andalucia. Subsequently, on 21 september, ela Commission Viceconsejeras Viceconsejeros and approves the strategic framework for the development of such plans of data, which are set out in oeprativos plans in the field of public transparency 2023-2024, among others the model of governance and the methodology of work for the development of plans of data. It Is also noteworthy that the Government of the Junta de andalusia has adopted by Acuerdo of 20 december 2022 (BOJA no. 245 of 23 december) the training Plan Digital 2022-2025 Andalusia, which provide for training activities in the area of data and big data.

https :// _ 00274407.pdf

https ://

In the framework of the commitment of the development of standards, also, the government of the Junta de andalucia agrees on 20 september 2002 the adoption of the andalusian Administration Strategy focused on persons 2023-2030. This sets out the purposes for policies related to the administration digital, among which we must mention “ (a public administration that is personalized digital, proactive, useful, simplified, interoperable, easy to use, swift and safe, that anticipates the needs of the citizens and to provide information without the need for application, through, inter alia, to the implementation of technologies such as automation and mining, BigData or artificial intelligence ” and “ 12. Promote the measures and digital solutions that enable them to the government of the data and the publication of open data held by the administration, in accordance with the principles of transparency, publicity, active and open government ”. In Addition, on 3 may 2002 was approved by Order of the then Counsellor of Presidency, public administration and home affairs, the Plan Inicial of Digital Agency of andalusia. The strategic framework of the above-mentioned Plan Inicial is geared towards pursuing a piece of making the most of these by actions in engineering and offer them in line with the principles of open government: transparency, citizen participation, accountability, technology and innovation. In particular establishes as one of its main lines of action within the framework of the Digital society “ 1.3. Democratization and opening of digital data. ” It establishes the following objectives: the creation of a public system of digital participation; the introduction of technologies to correct the publication of information in terms of transparency, the extension of the model of governance for opening data, and participation in initiatives in the area of open government. Another line of action of this Plan Inicial directly related to this is the “ 2.3. Governance as strategic value for the management. ” among its objectives are: the launching of a data infrastructure for the digitalization and improvement of public services; the construction of a platform of data and interoperability of the Junta de andalusia from the perspective of organizing, semantics and technological development, the Strategy of the Andalusian Artificial intelligence; support to strategic decision-making by exploiting data using techniques of big data and artificial intelligence, and the acquisition of analytical tools.