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The system of integrity of the General state administration

Updated to 04/09/2023.


TheThe system of integrity of the General state administration(hereinafter SIAGE) aims to incorporate elements as important as a code of good administration for public employees, a code of good governance for senior positions, an organizational structure of the educational system of integrity, internal channels of information and mailboxes institutional Ethics, without prejudice to other elements so as a risk management system of integrity, activities and means of training and dissemination and planifcación, monitoring, evaluation and review of the system itself.

The document from SIAGE has been subjected topublic consultation processfrom 18 january and 27 february 2023. Has been adopted on 7 march 2023 by the ngo coordinating commission General Inspections of ministerial departments.


To facilitate access to the content of the SIAGE is divided into three broad headings:

You can download theFull SIAGE.