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The internet domaintransparencia.gob.esit is ownership of the Ministry for the Digital Processing and public service law, street, marble floors, 2 28005 Madrid.

The contents, organization and election of the links on the web pages of transparency have been selected and coordinated by the General directorate of Public Governance of the state secretariat for Public Service with the cooperation of units of transparency information of each of the ministerial departments.

It prohibited the total or partial reproduction of the contents of this internet portal without mentioning its origin or asking for authorisation.

Under the heading right of access to public information the transparency Portal you access the electronic sitehttps ://, through which you can access all the procedures relating to the request of public information.

The responsibilities of this branch is regulated as follows:

  1. Content management and common services placed at the disposal of citizenship should be up to the directorate-General for Governance and public information units of transparency.
  2. Will be responsible for the contents of the various ministerial departments and their bodies dependent persons who hold management centres, respectively. The responsibility will be matched with the powers that each of the persons who have attributed by the legislation in force.
  3. The management of the technology platform is the responsibility of the state agency for Digital Administration (AEAD), the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.

However, neither the department of citizenship and open government nor the General secretariat of Digital Administration will be responsible for the integrity and availability of information, to provide the Transparency through links or links to other pages or electronic headquarters whose obligation rests on different organ or Public administration.

The transparency Portal will provide the necessary means to enable citizens to know whether the information or service you are accessing belongs to their own environment or to an access point.

Likewise, in accordance with the national security has been adopted, the security levels provided by the user/the user and in addition, it has installed all means and measures within its power to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and extraction.

The active advertising information obtained through the Portal of transparency be beyond the case of the item 4.2.a) “ Re-Use of documents made available to the public without conditions. ”Law 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector informationand in accordance with Article 7Royal Decree 1495/2011, of 24 october, which develops the above-mentioned act 37/2007 of 16 november.

More information on conditions for re-use of information.

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