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Compatibilidad de actividades públicas

The authorizations issued concern the following cases

  • Support Associate Professor : The Act allows the compatibility of a position in the public sector with desempeñ, or a position in the educational field as a university associate professor in solitary superior dedication to part-time and with a specified duration.         
  • Research Advisory : When staff working for the government will be authorized, exceptionally, the support for the pursuit of non-permanent research or scientific or technical advice in cases concrete, which does not correspond to the functions assigned to the respective government staff. This uniqueness is credited for the allocation of public tender request or require special qualifications bearing only people affected by the scope of Law 53/1984 of 26 December, on incompatibilities of staff working for the government < / li>


    The authorization or denial of support by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, (whose competence has been delegated to the Office of the Conflict of Interest when the resolution is consistent with the proposal) a proposal from the Secretariat of the relevant Department, the competent body of the Autonomous Community or the plenary of the Local Corporation, which appears attached to the top job on the report, if any, of the Directors of the agencies, entities and public companies.

    Support public activities

    Lead and effects

    Requests for permission compatibility for a second job or activity in the public sector is estimated understand, if within four months, no express decision would have.

    See the procedure for the compatibilidad private activities.