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Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones

Information on the functions of the ministry for the inclusion, Social security and migration and its agencies, associated or dependent.

Updated to 24/05/2024


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  1. The executive direction and guardianship of the entities and common services of Social security, under the department, without prejudice to the competence of other ministries and to other units of the department.
  2. The momentum and direction of the legal regulation of the system of insurance and pensions.
  3. The momentum and direction of the planning and economic analysis and financial functioning of the system of insurance and pensions.
  4. The direction and coordination of the management of financial resources and expenditure for Social security and pensions.
  5. The planning and management of the guardianship exerted by the collaborating institutions of Social security.
  6. Custody, supervision and coordination of legal assistance of the entities and common services of Social security.
  7. Propose and give support, in carrying out its functions, the delegate of data protection of the state secretariat for Social security and Pensions.
  8. Any other jurisdiction, legal or regulatory, is attached.
  1. The coordination of studies, reports and analysis on policy and migration statistics, without prejudice to the functions of the spanish observatory for racism and xenophobia.
  2. The monitoring and analysis of the evolution of the cost and quality of programmes and benefits, as well as the economic planning, managed by the state secretariat for Migration.
  3. The proposed policy reforms and management procedures to allow improved follow-up and monitoring of services and benefits system managed by the state secretariat for Migration.
  1. The development, support and evaluation of policies that are aimed at assisting the enrolment and participation in society, equal opportunities, the more disadvantaged groups.
  2. The momentum, development, coordination and monitoring policies, strategies, plans and programmes of action in the field of inclusion, in cooperation with other ministerial departments within their respective areas of competence in the field of social affairs and, in particular, with the ministry of social rights, consumption and Agenda 2030 and with the ministry of youth and children.
  3. The definition of objectives for the inclusion and development of a system of indicators to carry out the measurement, monitoring and evaluation of the objectives of inclusion.
  4. The coordination of the economic aspects of the reports of the regulatory impact analysis within the department.
  5. The coordination of the representation of the department to multilateral agencies and support in the elaboration of studies and reports that these multilateral agencies required.
  6. The development of indicators objetivables of inclusive growth and inequality in the spanish economy that can be used for the design and decision making of new policies or the reformulation of existing ones.
  7. The momentum of incorporating indicators for inclusion in the decision-making process and in the process of designing public policies.
  8. The follow-up to beneficiaries of the set of policies of expenditure and income and the effects of these policies in terms of inclusion and inequality, with particular attention to those relating to the labour market, education, health, environment, housing and innovation.
  9. The definition and analysis of objectives linked to the inclusive growth.
  10. The ongoing monitoring and evaluationex postcompliance with the objectives of inclusion and inclusive growth, in particular the Minimum Wage and other policies of the department, in cooperation with the ministry of social rights, consumption and Agenda 2030.
  11. The promotion and conduct of evaluations, studies, reports and research from a scientific perspective on the paths for the inclusion of persons belonging to groups vulnerable to allow the impact on those trajectories of the various public policies and benefits.
  12. The exploitation of databases of indicators for the inclusion at the regional, national and international levels to conduct evaluations, scientific research, studies and reports that include the information needed for decision-making by senior management and the department in relation to policies of its competence in collaboration with un bodies and relevant units.
  13. The support and advice to various ministerial departments and other public administrations in the area of definition of objectives and indicators for the inclusion, public policy design and evaluation and advice from a scientific perspective of the policies of inclusion, without prejudice to the powers attributed to the ministry of Social Rights of the ministry of social rights, consumption and Agenda 2030.
  14. Coordination, including planning, monitoring and promotion of the statistical activity carried out in the area of its functions.
  15. The development and analysis of the statistics assigned to the Ministry for the inclusion, Social security and immigration and are not expressly assigned to another unit.
  16. The formulation of National Statistical Plan and annual programmes developed in the area of the General secretariat, and the development of statistics assigned to it.
  17. Institutional coordination in statistical matter with the national institute of statistics, with other ministerial departments, with other public administrations and with international agencies, in particular, with the statistical office of the european union with regard to the statistics that correspond to the General secretariat, as mandated by the regulations of the european union, without prejudice to the powers assigned to other units of the secretariat-General.
  18. The momentum, analysis, design, coordination of assessments, plans, strategies and programmes of action on social inclusion.
  19. The monitoring, evaluation and revision of policies, programmes and strategies for the inclusion and social benefits, aimed at ensuring inclusion.
  20. The analysis and proposal to improve and redesign of the existing benefits to the relevant departments within the scope of the policies of inclusion, in order to avoid potential duplication and maximize the effectiveness of these.
  21. The evaluation, study, report and proposal of the regulations of the Minimum Wage and measures associated with the aim of reducing inequality, poverty and the participation of partner fair labour more disadvantaged groups, in cooperation with the ministry of social rights, consumption and Agenda 2030.
  22. The relationship and technical collaboration with the department responsible for the european Social fund and with other departments in other relevant funds in the field of social inclusion, as well as with the autonomous communities in terms of inclusiveness and social benefits of those confined to that area.
  23. The relationship and technical collaboration with the european union and international agencies in the programmes on social inclusion.
  24. The support, advice and technical assistance to the relevant bodies in the area of analysis, monitoring, evaluation and modification of minimum income schemes and policies on social inclusion in the autonomous communities, without prejudice to the powers currently assigned to the Territorial Council of social services and the system for the autonomy and dependency care.
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