Reports of interest
You can access the reports of interest, which are listed below, ordered by thematic criteria (subjects according to the categories of reuse of public sector information, RISP).
In the search box that appears at the top right of the table you can enter the term you want to find, either the subject or any word from the report title.
You can sort the information alphabetically, by subject or by the title of the report simply by clicking on the header of each column.
On the classification in RISP matters, the Technical Standard for Interoperability of Reuse of information resources (approved by Resolution of the Secretary of State for Public Administrations of February 19, 2013, BOE March 4, 2013) and the document " Operation, maintenance and updating of the Public Information Catalog” (2nd electronic edition, Madrid, June 2012).
Subjects according to the RISP categories - Reuse of Public Sector Information.
Science and technology, Commerce, Culture and leisure, Demography, Sports, Economy, Education, Employment, Energy, Finance, Industry, Legislation and justice, Environment, Rural areas, Health, Public sector, Security, Society and well-being, Transport, Tourism and Housing.
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