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8.1.10. Iniciativas dirigidas

Table b.3 activity summary
Commitment, initiative and activity Start Purpose State

8. Communication inclusive Open Government

8.1. Inclusive Communication Plan

8.1.10. Initiatives: Week of the administration Open, Open Government in your city, debates, meetings, workshops




orange ball: activity partially implemented

Status of implementation

Week of the Open Administration

  • TheWeek of the Open Administrationit is an initiative driven by the global Alliance for the government Opened (Open Gov Week). Its main objective is to bring the Public administrations to citizenship, based on the principles of the government Opened: transparency, accountability, participation, public integrity and collaboration. In Spain, the week of the Open Administration coordinates and promotes the department of Public Governance, with the collaboration of the forum of open government.
  • In 2023,the celebration in 2023 Open Administration spain has taken place from 20 to 24 march, in collaboration with the government's Presidency. They havethe evaluation report of the week of open administration 2023the balance, as follows:

Haveregistered a total of 1025 activities.

  • Participation of all public administrations68 per cent have been organized by the General state administration, 16 per cent by autonomous authorities, 13 per cent by other entities of the public sector, the 2 per cent by the local government and 1 per cent for civil society organizations, universities and others.
  • Kinds of events registered. There were 431 open doors day, 100 seminars/webinarios, 82 77 workshops, lectures, 75 presentations of plans and 54 debates or symposia Have also been held participatory processes as launches of informal (43), have been identified of virtual content (26) and other activities.
  • By mode of implementation , 88% were conducted in person, to recover any kind of activities under this arrangement after two years of virtual activities determined by the health crisis by COVID. The format online on this issue has been chosen by 9 per cent of the organizing entities.
  • In 2002the alliance for the government has established as the date for the realization of the 16 to 20 may. In Spain due to the convening of the electoral process in Andalucía has decided to postpone the holding of the week of open administration, the period from 27 june 2002 and 1 july 2002.
  • The registration of events was completed on 15 june 2002, with a total of 500 registrations.
  • They havethe evaluation report of the week of open administration 2022,being the balance sheet as follows:
  • Exercises.Have registered through the form enabled for that purpose in the section of open government of the Portal of transparency,500 activitiesand therefore Spain revalida, one more year, leadership among 77 states members of the OGP, far away from the following classified in the ranking of organizers of the week have been Mexico with 32 in italy, Germany 21 14 and the us with 10.
  • Participation of all AA.PP. Of the 500 exercises, 354 are organized by the General state administration, 93 by autonomous authorities, 21 by the Local administration and 32 other entities.
  • Kinds of events registered. During the week of the open Administration 2022, there were 148 open days, 138 out publications, campaigns and virtual content (videos, podcast, applications, websites … …), 68 Webinar and seminars, 49 presentations of plans and programmes and 14 debates or colloquia, as well as participatory processes as launches of consultations, Contests or Hackathon, interview or other activities.
  • In 2021the week of the Open Administration was held from 17 to 21 may 2021. 89 acts Were organized in our country. Of these, 77 were recorded in theThe Transparency Portal, and 12 were made directly by local Entitiessite of the OGPwhere available, the world map of events for the week (seenoteon the week of the Open Administration 2021).

Events logged in the transparency Portal: